Tom Holland as Spiderman
With spiderman being in the new Civil War movie, and since I had just returned from seeing the film and there are God knows how many people who are either throwing a fit or are uncertain about Spiderman. I figured I should let you all know somethings about this Spiderman to help put you at ease, while not spoiling anything for those who want to see the film and just want to know what to expect.
First off, this is by far the most accurate depiction of Spiderman's character in a film to date (In my as well as many others opinions). Where as the two previous Spiderman interpretations were lacking in some areas, this version is on point with his personality.
Something else I should mention is that Spider man is also very young, that may tick off some people but I personally it's better this way. Because if you think about it, we're going to see this character go through a lot in future marvel films, having some one this young ensures that we will be able to keep him around for a longer amount of time before he turns so old that he doesn't fit the character. This Spiderman will grow as a character in these films to come, and seeing him physically change as he develops will help us understand even more how he has changed in these previous films.
Finally, Tom Holland's Spiderman can very much hold his own in this film. While in this universe he's only been Spiderman for 6 months, he still shows his intelligence and capability in combat the way the real spiderman would at this point in his life. He can trade blows with certain heroes but he's not indestructible, his fights are fairly even.
So I think Tom did a pretty awesome job as Spiderman, so all you fans who were unsure of how she was going to be, rest assured that he was done justice. Go checkout Civil War, it's well worth the price of admission, take some friends, and pick a side, Team Ironman or Team Captain America.
Till then everybody, later!