First thoughts on "Death Parade"
So, with some of my newly acquired free time, I've been able to watch some anime that I've been missing out on due to School obligations. So I thought it'd be best to watch some of the shows I missed and give my first impressions on them. First up is "Death Parade.
The story takes place at the "Quindecim" A classy bar run by the bartender Decim. Each episode revolves around two people dying in a game to the death to decide their lives, little do they know is that their already dead. The games work as a way to decide which person is sent into a void where their soul is lost forever or to be reincarnated. However this decision is not made by just who wins but by how the person shows their true colors during said game.
Now, Disclaimer, I've only seen the first 3 episodes of this show and likely my opinion is subject to change by the time I finish this show. That being said though I do find myself enjoying it, there a lot of aspects to this show that really make me want to sink my teeth into it.
First off, the show has a solid opening song, nothing more can be said, its absolutely amazing. Secondly the animation is standard MAD house animation with great cgi work slipped in that has a very nice natural flow to it. The designs for the characters (At least the ones I've seen up to this point and in the opening theme) are vibrant and unique with a unique eye design that gives them an other worldly feel.
The characters themselves are entertaining so far, though we haven't really seen much interaction with them as of yet. But their personalities do show within these two episodes, specifically the personality of Decim, who's reserved and seemingly expressionless face makes me curious about him. Aside from him however there isn't too much else to talk about with the other two main characters.
A lot of the moments in these episodes got genuine reactions out of me, genuine feeling that made me feel a twinge uncomfortable which has been very hard for anime to do for me, with the exception of a few rare moments.
Overall I like this show, I'm definitely going to continue it and enjoy watching it, I hope you who haven't seen it will enjoy it as well.
As for those who have seen it let me know your thoughts in the comments section and do keep it spoiler free for newcomers.
Until then, I'll see ya next time!